Saturday, January 26, 2013

Fitness Friday: Week 4

Had a great week! Did the treadmill on Wednesday for 35 minutes, on Thursday for 35 minutes, and then a Step Class on Friday morning.

Glad that I was able to increase my amount of time on the treadmill and also get a workout in on a morning!

My goals for next week are: to try to make 2 out of my 3 workouts a morning workout class (which includes Step and Cycling).

Also, I'd like to spread my workouts out a little bit better instead of squishing them all together towards the end of Friday.

Overall, I definitely feel better and even though working out is painful and hard sometimes, I do feel like I have accomplished something and feel better about myself and my body.

Here's to meeting my weekly goal next week! Pin It

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Fitness Friday: Week 3

Had an enjoyable week of working out! So happy that I got 4 workouts in this week (1 extra to make up for week 1).

On Sunday night, Tony and I took an hour long walk around our neighborhood in the snow which was so wonderful.

On Monday, I ran for 30 minutes, on Wednesday morning, I ran for 45 minutes, and today I got on the bike for 30 minutes.

I was trying to push myself to work out longer- so the hour walk and 45 minute run was a big accomplishment for me!

My goal for next week is to work on getting up early for my 5:45 AM exercise classes. I want to be able to get up in the morning, start my day off right by exercising, getting in the word, and enjoying some coffee! I got to do that on Wednesday morning, and it was so good; I loved it!

Coaching junior high volleyball has been amazing.. and somewhat good exercise! It is definitely keeping me busy and I am so tired by the weekend. This weekend we have our first tournament in Wasilla, AK. The Lord has really given me a passion for loving on these girls in 7th and 8th grade and using my opportunity to coach to share the gospel.

Wishing you the best for your new year's resolutions! :)
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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Fitness Friday: Week 2

I got my three workouts in this week: the bike, the treadmill, and the bike. I am happy with myself, but I know I can push myself harder.

My goal for next week is to get 4 workouts in to make up for Week 1. 

I only went for 30 min each time for my workouts, and I know that I need to work on increasing that time and choosing more challenging workouts.

This week has been super busy. I am coaching a volleyball team for junior high at Grace Christian after work (and on the weekends) and I know it is going to be so much fun but it also makes me tired and makes it hard to get workouts in.

On the plus side, I know that if I can get my workouts in when I am so busy, I know that I can get them in when I am less busy.

Just a little update on my quiet time & devotionals: that piece of my New Year's Resolution has been AMAZING. I am learning so much and loving getting to load myself up with truth.

Especially amazing has been my prayer life and seeing how the Lord answers prayers. I have been praying for contentment in my job and I have totally seen how the Lord has provided that. He has shown me this week why He has me where he has me and it has given me a renewed passion for social work and a thankfulness to the Lord for the gift he has given for me in the job- AMAZING! Especially since I have been considering subbing and just overall feeling like my job is hard and considering other opportunities.

One lesson I have been learning from my quiet times was the Lord's prayer. I love that the Lord's prayer starts out with "Our Father, how art in heaven, HALLOWED be thou name, thy KINGDOM come, thy WILL be done..."

I am reading Matthew right now and when I read the Lord's prayer it really hit me that Christ calls us to first give PRAISE to the Lord and his great name and then simply say: THY WILL BE DONE.

That is our calling as Christians. Not to want what we want and pray for those things, but to praise God for what he has done and simply say, Let my life be directed towards YOUR will and not my own desires.

I am so thankful the Lord has been teaching me through the time in the Word.

Wishing you the best start to your new year!
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Friday, January 4, 2013

Fitness Friday: Week 1

So, my first week of my new year's resolution and I gotta be honest: I didn't work out 3 times! Dang it. Haha.

I am measuring my weeks from Friday to Friday so I really only worked out twice. On Monday, I went for 30 minutes on the bike and on Thursday, I ran on the treadmill for 30 minutes.

Hoping that this week will be better and I will reach my goal of 3 x per week.

My current weight is 153 pounds and jeans size 8. I would love to be down to a size 6 again!

I have come up with a good idea to fit in my last work out if I can't seem to fit it in one week (like this week). At my work we have 3 floors of stairs and in the past I have walked them. I can remember to use the stairs for 25 minutes during lunch to fit in a workout.

I am finding that it is hard to fit in my work outs. There is a downtown Alaska Club (which is our gym) that is close to my work and I was able to go to on Thursday.

I definitely need to push myself more to reach my goal. But this is just the beginning of my journey and I hoping to be more successful.

Eating right... that's another story :) But working out is my goal this week! I am hoping to get into more of a routine now that the holidays are over. We have some awesome work out classes at our gym: dance cardio, spinning, step classes, and weight classes. I definitely want to utilize those.

I did reach my goal of posting about my success and that is good! Wishing each of you the best towards your New Year's Resolutions :) Pin It

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013: A Year of Change

Okay, so I have always been one for New Year's Resolutions.

Most of the time I have always broken the New Year's resolutions I make. But last year was the first year ever that I achieved a yearly goal! In 2012, my goal was to put one picture up a day and create an "i365" via facebook. I did it! Every day for a year, I put up a picture. It was a fun way to document what I was doing each day and be able to share life with those back in Texas.

Now that I have seen myself commit to a goal and finish it, I want to do another! It was motivating for me to do one picture a day and be able to kind of daily check that off.

For 2013, I want to work on 2 things: 1) My relationship with the Lord and getting more time in the Word and just seeking truth and 2) Working out more!

I have come up with smaller goals for each of these because I know that will be more helpful to me. It is not a good idea to just come up with a goal that is too idealistic: it has to be broken down into achievable parts.

For getting more in the word, Tony has bought me a 365 day devotional book. My goal is to spend time in the word every day. No exceptions. Then, once a month, I will document how my time in the Word is going and what I am learning through my blog! I want to really learn truth and be committed to memorizing scripture. I feel that if I know that other people are reading my blog, it is a way that I can be held accountable.

For my second goal of working out, I have made this very achievable. Right now, I hardly ever work out and am WAY out of shape :( :( So, anything is an improvement!! Haha.

My goal is to slowly work out more each week.

For the months of January, February, March, and April my goal is to work out 3 times a week.

For May, June, July, and August my goal is to work out 4 times per week.

For September, October, November, and December my goal is to work out 5 times per week.

Every Friday on my blog I am going to have a "Fitness Friday". My goal is that even if I had a poor week and didn't work out very well or very much, I want to document and journal that on my blog so that I can keep myself accountable. Every Friday I will talk about how my week went- my struggles, my victories, things that helped me or didn't help me in just my goal of working out more.

I want to be as honest as possible in my posts- maybe put sizes of jeans and weight so that my journey can truly be seen.

Most of all, I'm just excited about 2013 and the future that it holds. I think documenting my goals will help my blog more and will help me feel like I have the whole public as my accountability partner! :)

Happy New Year!

1 Corinthians 6:20
For you were bought with a price. So Glorify God with your body.

Joshua 1:8

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

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