Thursday, December 5, 2013

Thoughts on Forgiveness

Today we have a day off of school because of road conditions in Anchorage! So what better time to write and think?

I've recently been exploring exactly what forgiveness is. How do you know when to forgive? How do you know if you have truly forgiven someone? Should you always tell someone that you have forgiven them? How often should we forgive someone, even the same person and same situation?

I had an enlightening conversation with my sister in law Holly this summer about this topic and later explored it further with my mom.

Some basic conclusions I am coming to:

1) The need for forgiveness exists when someone has hurt you or wronged you. This seems simple, however, it is an easily forgotten step one. You know if you need to forgive someone when you begin to dwell on a wrong done to you. This wrong could make you feel angry, sad, or self righteous. Whatever the feelings are, forgiveness is needed. In my own life, I begin to think over and over situations, and how exactly what that person said or did was wrong. I ruminate on the situation and often this leads to anger. This is sinful.

2) The bible tells us that we should seek PEACE as believers. It also tells us that our relationships and friendships should be marked by our love for one another and that this sets us apart as believers. 

3) Our desire for forgiveness should spill out from the core of our understanding of the character of our Father and the sacrifice made by Jesus. As a believer, your understanding of the gospel starts with step A: I am a sinner and step B: I need a savior. Jesus forgave us our sins. The understanding of that sacrifice is what should lead us to a heart of forgiveness towards other people and the hurts they have inflicted on us. We are not in any way, shape, or form BETTER than anyone else. So holding on to bitterness is only hurting us, not the other person. Forgiveness is one step away from all of us. One phone call, one touch of the hand, one visit back home, one simple word. 

Colossians 3:13: "Bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive."

4) I have found that true forgiveness does not ever happen once. You don't just say to someone, hey, you have hurt me, but I forgive you. End of that. No, it never happens that simply. I believe that true forgiveness is an over and over again, every single time the sinful, self righteous feelings come up kind of thing. You have to have an understanding of forgiveness that leaves room for the fact that your every day life may be affected by something another has done to you. Every time you feel angry, sad, upset, self righteous, you need to ask the Lord for the heart to forgive that person. It is a daily, sometimes minute by minute battle. 

My dad committed suicide on March 23, 2003 when I was in the 8th grade. He had a cancer that was eating him away inside and wanted to end his life. The decision he made has forever impacted my life and the life of my Mom, sister, and others around him. 

Mostly, I just miss him. I wish he could meet Tony. I wish he could've seen me graduate from high school, college, and I always wonder what he would've said about me moving to Alaska. 

It is a process of forgiving him that I encounter every day. I think about him often and wonder how different our lives would be had he not made that decision. My anger bubbles up, but mostly I just miss my Dad. Forgiveness is something that has to take place in my own heart, on a minute to minute basis. He is not alive today, so I can't talk to him about his decision.

I believe forgiveness is precious enough to fight for. I do believe that if there is someone in your life that you need to forgive, that it should be your number one priority to work through those feelings and get to a place where you can confront that person about the hurt they have caused you, and forgive them. I do believe that if you feel a hurt from someone who is still living, you should confront that person. I think you have to be careful not to come out of a place of wanting retaliation or revenge or just to tell that person how much they suck. It has to be a from a place of true forgiveness, of wanting the best for that person and also for wanting to work through your own feelings and not hold on to bitterness.

"Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you." Ephesians 4:32

How incredibly hard this is. But, we serve a Father who as the Word tells us, makes things possible that are impossible for men. And I believe that forgiveness is about looking outside of yourself and your hurt and turning to the cross, where we are forever forgiven our sins. God is a God of miracles, of wrongs made right. He is making all things new. And I believe it starts with us. And forgiveness. Beautiful forgiveness.

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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Texas Time

So, at the end of October, I got to take a trip to Texas to see my bestie Mandy get married!! It went by WAY too fast but was SO good to catch up with old roomies, friends, and my sweet momma and sister.

I CANNOT believe how fast this year is flying by and that it is already December. Whew! Where has the time gone?

Wanted to put up some pics of these sweet memories :)

Chick Fil A: My first meal back in Texas. SO good. My mouth is watering.

Sweet Nephew Brannon. The BEST ever was holding him :)

My friends who are like family to me. My Hilly, Liz, Mandy, and Lindsay.

Mandy got married!! Mrs. Spring!

Texas A&M Roomie Reunion!

Loved this look that I found on Pinterest and tried to redo it for Mandy's wedding.

Sweet time with Branny Boy

These four have changed me forever :) Love them.

Beautiful Mandy on her wedding day!!

Getting ready to head to the church

Hillary!! :)

Mandy looked SO BEAUTIFUL!! :)

Family time: Mom and sis at the wedding

Love my family. Such a blessing.


I loved getting some good time in Texas this October. Sometimes you just need family, friends, and Chick Fil A.

I always love the reminder that weddings bring of the covenant that marriage is and what it represents. Of course I teared up as Mandy walked down the aisle towards Evan.

Miss my Mandy already but SO SO happy for her.

I am enjoying so much the holidays and this time of blessings and family.

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Monday, November 18, 2013

Clean Eating Meal Plans: Spicy Pork Tacos

Spicy Pork Tacos with Celery & Apple Slaw, Mexican Corn and Sauteed Peppers

So, my sister introduced me to "E meals" about six months or so ago. AMAZING. I seriously can't rave about these meal plans enough. Basically, you go to the "E meals" website and sign up to get weekly meal plans sent to your email. My sister has been sending me hers which really helps me, but I know that she was able to use a Groupon.

Here is the link to the website:

They have lots of different kinds of meal plans: Classic Meals, Clean Eating, Paleo, Mediterranean, Slow Cooker, Vegetarian, Low Carb, Low Fat, etc.

You can also coordinate with the size of your family, or eating for two. You can add a breakfast or lunch plan also and you can choose which grocery store you normally shop at that helps coordinate with the coupons of that store for the week. I just use the E meals that my sister sends me, but when I run out of those, I am definitely going to sign up.

So far, I have tried Clean Eating meals and Clean Eating Slow Cooker meals and they have both been super amazing. I have really loved the slow cooker meals because I love being able to throw it all into the crockpot and come home to dinner being ready.

Something that I really love about the meal plans is that the meals have the recipe there and there are also great side dishes that go along with the recipes. Also, there is a grocery list that is attached to the weekly meal plan that separates the shopping into: produce, meat, canned food, etc. I found this to be SUPER HELPFUL when shopping.

Some things that I didn't like so much about the meal plans: 1) With the clean eating meal plans, the recipes call for a lot of grocery items that you may not use all the time and have to buy for example I have had to buy different kinds of vinegars and oils. 2) Certain kinds of vegetables or produce are unfamiliar to me and I end up spending a lot of time in the grocery store trying to find some off the wall item and end up trying to just substitute it. 3) Another thing is that for every plan there is a price listed with it. The prices for Alaska really don't match up so the meal plans are a little bit more expensive than I would like. But, normally I try to pick like 5 meals out of 7 and go from there, saving money by not purchasing the other 2 and eating leftovers or something cheap like breakfast or soup.

One thing I do like is that the portions are very well done for cooking for two and that has been really helpful in saving money. I also love that these recipes call for lots of cilantro, spinach, and olive oil. I also love rice dishes and there are lots of yummy rice dishes.

I wanted to share one recipe that I really enjoyed and then there will be more to come! :)

The picture is above. The recipe is for Spicy Pork Tacos, Mexican Corn, and Sauteed Peppers. It's super easy to make!

Meal Ingredients + Recipe:
(The pork is a crockpot recipe)

Spicy Pork Tacos
- Canola Oil
- Salt and Pepper
- 1.5 lb boneless pork shoulder
- 15 oz can fire-roasted diced tomatoes
- 1/4 teaspoon smoked paprika
- 3 cloves garlic, smashed
- 4 corn tortillas

Heat oil in a large skillet over medium- high heat. Sprinkle salt and pepper over pork. Add pork to skillet; cook 5 minutes or until browned on all sides. Transfer pork to a 4 quart slow cooker. Top with tomatoes, paprika, and garlic. Cover and cook on Low 6 hours (I cooked it for 7 and was fine).

Warm tortillas in microwave. Put some pork in the tortillas and top with celery apple slaw (see below). Serve with the other two side dishes (Mexican Corn + Sauteed Peppers).

Celery Apple Slaw
- 1 Apple, cored and shredded
- 2 Celery Stalks, thinly sliced
- 1.5 teaspoons olive oil
- 1.5 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
- 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon pepper

Combine apple, celery, oil, vinegar, salt, and pepper. Divide apple mixture evenly among tortillas.

Mexican Corn
- 2 ears corn, shucked (although I used thawed frozen corn)
- 1 tablespoon of butter, melted
- 1.5 teaspoons fresh lime juice
- 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon pepper
- 1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese (Tony doesn't love feta cheese so I may consider a different kind of cheese for the future)

Cook corn in boiling water 10 minutes; drain. Combine butter and lime juice; brush evenly over corn. Sprinkle corn with salt and pepper and feta cheese.

Sauteed Peppers
- 1 tablespoon canola oil
- 1 orange bell pepper, seeded and sliced
- 1/2 green bell pepper, seeded and sliced
- 2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro

Heat oil in a large skillet over medium- high heat. Add bell peppers; cook 12 minutes or until tender, stirring frequently. Stir in cilantro, salt, and pepper.

YUM! Enjoy. :)

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Sunday, November 10, 2013

His Mercies are New Every Morning

"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. 'The Lord is my portion,' says my soul, 'therefore I will hope in him.' The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him. It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord." Lamentations 3:1

I have been so blessed by rest, community, and time with the Lord this week. As I am seeking the Lord, he continues to teach me, grow me, and astound me. One very real blessing is my Monday night bible study that my sister in law Holly is leading.

Last week, surrounded by a group of women, many shared that they felt their time with the Lord was lacking. For myself, I shared that this lead to feeling of guilt and shame that the Lord was not a priority. This led to a discussion about how the Lord is a "functional parent", in other words He knows how to reach us according to the specific way He designed our personalities and the way we think and feel. We were assigned a homework assignment: How does God best communicate with you?

After thinking about the times that I feel God speaking, I came to realize that while my journaling and quiet time WERE important ways that God communicates with me, I also felt like God speaks to me through other people. I am definitely an extrovert and so talking and speaking with other people about my emotions and thoughts are so important for me. I realized that God uses other people to speak to me and He does this often. I also feel like the outward way I express what God is speaking to me is through writing (and talking it out with other people).

All this to say, if you feel guilty about not having quiet times with the Lord, don't allow the enemy to use that. Seek time with the Lord, and be thankful when you have it, but realize that God uses many avenues to speak to his children, just like an earthly parent would. This was such a huge realization for me. I love the time I get to sit with God, but I don't need it to be quiet. I like to talk out loud to other people what I am learning, or talk with God out loud about it and this is OKAY. My quiet time does not need to be literally quiet. God reaches us in so many ways.

In other life updates, I got to take a trip to see my family and my best friend Mandy get married. This was such an encouraging time.

Mandy on her wedding day! :)

Also Tony and I have been working with our dog Sage with separation anxiety and I am learning a lot through the process. Funny to see fears of being alone in a dog kind of teach a lesson to me.

Sage whose nicknames so far are: Sagey Girl, Sageicle

Teaching has been BUSY, but I am enjoying my students so much. Teaching is definitely a passion and I am beyond thankful to wake up every morning and go to a job that I feel totally aligns with my calling. I try to take time to thank God for this every morning. I am learning a lot in teaching about letting control of my expectations and allowing God to do his work in my students and myself during the day. Through his grace, I am growing and (hopefully) getting better as a teacher each day.

House progress is slow going but home finally feels like home. I no longer picture our apartment when I think of home (this happened for awhile). I am getting excited about decorating our guest bedroom and we are looking into adding a wood stove (gotta be toasty and warm for the winter).

I am looking forward to the holiday season! Tony and I are staying in Alaska this year for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Our first snowfall came yesterday- Hello, winter!

Thanking God for his steadfast love and mercies that I know are new EVERY morning.

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Friday, October 18, 2013

Fitness Friday: Weeks 39- 42 and Heart Updates

I picked up a pen and my journal tonight and felt my heart was full and needed to just write and write. Feeling the need for expression tonight.

Scattered thoughts which make up my heart:

- WE GOT A DOG!! A sweet sweet german shepherd husky mix girl. Tony and I have always always wanted a dog (I have been bugging Tony about this since we got married) but we did not feel good about having a dog in our one bedroom apartment and keeping a dog cooped up all day. A coworker of Tony needed a place for his dog as he couldn't care for her anymore... and so we got Sage! She is a doll. We love her. She is snuggly and affectionate but also has lots of energy and LOVES going on walks. We are thankful for the motivation to go walking!! 

Sweet Sage girl.

- Fitness Update: I have been on nice long hour to hour and a half walks with Sage (went on two this last week). BUT, school is still so demanding for me and I am staying late working on lesson plans, and devoting a lot of time to focusing on this first year of teaching. I am learning to work on fixing this and spending time with my hubby and making time for rest, realizing I have to have that balance. When I made my goals for fitness this year, I had no idea about how demanding teaching would be. I want to honor my goals and am thinking of continuing them for next year (2014). But for now, I want to make the goal that I am walking or jogging with Sage at least 3 times a week. I think that is a goal I can keep and is realistic for my time of life right now. 

- Along with the discipline of fitness, getting in the word has also not been on the priority list where I would like it to be. I decided tonight to change up my quiet time process. I was trying to read a Beth Moore devo and then a chapter or two and then answer some questions in a 365 book that Tony bought me last Christmas. But, I have felt tonight that I want to change my focus and stop to take a second and do something different to kind of jump start my time in the word. I am going to read the chapter of Isaiah. I have already felt so much truth from the word from Isaiah!

- To note: the "fatherless" and the "widow" have already been mentioned twice in Isaiah! And it is only the first chapter. I fall in the category of the fatherless at least in regards to an earthly father so I am always drawn to scripture that shares God's heart for the fatherless and the widow, who is my incredible mother. Looking forward to continuing to read. 

- "Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord. "though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool. If you are WILLING and OBEDIENT, you shall eat the good of the land." Isaiah 1: 16-19

- I want a heart of willingness and obedience. This is my prayer and desire. 

- How THANKFUL I am for Christ on the cross and my savior who allows me to be seen as righteous because of his sacrifice before God

- I want to write and read more and feel like this is a piece of my life that has been missing lately. Writing is a good way of expression for me. 


- Went to a women's only "Huddle" bible study last Monday and LOVED it. So thankful for that group of women and how I feel God moving. Love that my sister in law Holly is leading it! What a wise woman.

- Finished one "Quarter" of teaching!! I have parent teacher conferences next week so prayer is needed for that. Much thanks!

- Tony and I our loving our new house :)

- I am going to Texas next Friday to see my best friend Mandy get married and see my family!

Those are my heart and thoughts lately. 

Glad for the time to write and think. 

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Sunday, October 13, 2013

Life as a Homeowner

We have been getting all moved in the past week and trying to get comfy and enjoy our new home :) 
Part of the process is also moving out and cleaning our old apartment which took lots of time. 
I am enjoying our new place but I think it is taking it a bit for all of the space and empty rooms to fill up with comfort and a home feel for me. We are getting there. 
I feel so blessed and am praising God for the opportunity to be able to buy a home. God is so so good. 

More updates to come as our house becomes a home!

Here is a tour:

Living room



Downstairs bathroom

Master bedroom

Laundry room upstairs

Upstairs bathroom

Tony's "Man cave"/ Office/ Second Guest room we are hoping to put a futon in!


Kitchen/ Living area downstairs

Kitchen :)

Come visit us in Alaska!! We have rooms ready for you!

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Sunday, September 29, 2013

House News + Teaching Stuff

News on our house: we are closing tomorrow!! Amazing. It has been so surreal to go through the process of looking into buying a house and then actually being able to buy one! Looking at houses I was never really sure when a certain house would work out, and I am just super excited that the Lord was able to lead us toward this house! I love it, and I can't wait. Praise to God, the giver of good gifts :)

Our house has 3 bedrooms upstairs, downstairs it has a kitchen, living area, and sunroom! We are excited about the yard and possible future dog :) The house has 1.5 bath and is laminate flooring with new windows and paint! Pictures to come!!

In other updates, teaching has been quite the adventure. Every single day I thank God for being able to have a job in which I feel is my calling and I feel so lucky to have a job that I love going to every day. I know that the Lord has gifted me and placed the calling on my life to minister and love on middle school kids, and I know that God is going to provide ministry opportunities because He already has!

Some things I am learning about teaching 1) it is physically exhausting (standing all day + talking + being trying to be excited and energetic about what you are teaching), 2) it takes PATIENCE, PATIENCE, PATIENCE (I have students who ask me questions I have already explained several times, students who are disrespectful, etc, etc) 3) it is AMAZINGLY REWARDING. I love seeing my students learn, grow, and get excited about what I am teaching. Most of all, and so much more than seeing them learn science, I love that I work at a school where praying, sharing scripture, and encouraging my students in the Lord is something that is expected. It has been such a joy to see my students grow in the Lord, to encourage me with their stories, honesty, and questions. I have already learned so much from my students. Something I love about middle school kids: they ask challenging questions, they are still interested in what you have to say (for the most part), and they are able to grasp complex concepts and are teachable. 

Here are a few pictures from my teaching adventure:

This is Miss Frizzle, our class hamster. In sad news, after 4 weeks in our class, she died :( :( 
My students are still recovering, but I am hoping to purchase a new hamster this week!! RIP Miss Frizzle.

Some "After" shots of the classroom! Lots of lime green, purple, and black/ white :)

Front of my class!

This is one of the best labs we have done this year- it is basically a science lab where you look at the densities of different liquids, and pour them into a graduated cylinder based on the most to least dense liquid. 

Link to the explanation of the science experiment!

Also, another super fun science experiment we have done that I have loved is the edible cell lab. It is basically where you create a cell out of edible items so the students can eat it! 

I used: graham crackers for plant cells and cookies for animal cells. But this picture below has a graham cracker for a plant cell, vanilla wafer for nucleus, green m&ms for chloroplasts, and licorice for the cell wall. 

Hope you're having a great week! Thanks for checking into my world for a bit :)

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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

House Fun

So, buying a house is VERY involved. We found a place we really liked (3 bedroom townhouse, yard, sunroom, garage) and made an offer, which was accepted, but now, we found out it may need a new roof which we weren't anticipating with our offer. 

So, we wait. And, we pray. And see what the Lord has. We are trying to make wise financial decisions and are not yet sure if this is the right move. But, I trust the Lord. And have had so much fun walking with Tony during this time. 

But, a girl can dream about her future home right? 

I took my favorite Pinterest ideas to get myself excited about the future :)

Love these colors + the collage of pictures

Right now, our bedroom duvet is gold and I have some reds + browns. I like the idea of taking away the brown and adding more white plus the pretty gold frames.

Don't know why, but I love collages of pictures and quotes. I particularly like the framed word.

Loved this idea for a cute guest bedroom or office.

I have a lot of reds and golds in my living room + kitchen and was looking for ways to jazz it up. I like the pillows here.

Love the pillows here and the headboard.
Found these pillows on Etsy I thought were very similar: 

I am excitedly waiting what the Lord has in mind. Even if I have to wait to use my ideas :)

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