Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Sweet, Sweet Alaskan Summertime: Lessons on Autism, Resting, Boating, and Writing

This summer has been a breath of fresh air. With teaching, coaching, and working on my master's degree, last year was a crazy whirlwind. I have been SO thankful for this summer and time to BREATHE and breathe DEEP. 

Getting to go to Italy was definitely a highlight but also just being able to RELAX in a way I haven't felt in years. I have been able to read books (something I feel like I never have time for), to go hiking, camping, fishing, boating. 

One lesson Tony and I learned from Italy is that we want to spend more intentional time together. We would get up early in Italy and eat breakfast, sipping coffee and talking about life and God's goodness. This emotional intimacy was refreshing and needed. We realized you don't have to travel halfway across the world to achieve this- we can work on that intentional time together every day at home. We have been trying to get up early this summer and read scripture, sip coffee, read the news, read books, just relax and enjoy life and each other. 

It has been so incredible. I used to think life was better sleeping in- seriously ask my family. Getting up at noon was a regular thing when I was growing up. Now, I am just so enjoying my mornings and now that I have made it a habit it is so much easier. I feel so much more refreshed for the day with a little me time and "us" time for Tony and I. And I love starting my day off with God's truth. 

After we got back from Italy, I started my first counseling internship. I am working at Hope Community Resources with children who have autism. At my internship, I am working with children ages 4-7 on different spectrums of autism. Some are nonverbal and some are verbal. 

I have learned SO much about how to work with little kiddos in general and particularly those who have autism. God created each of us so differently with different minds and ways of thinking and that has been such a cool lesson. 

This is something we use with our autistic kiddos that helps them visualize and prepare for transitions. We set up a schedule for them so they know when one activity is and can prepare. We also use timers pretty often (I am going to give you 10 minutes on the swing, then we will move to blocks). 

These visuals can also be used with nonverbal autistic kiddos to help them grow their communication skills. If they get frustrated with trying to communicate their thoughts with words, pictures can help. Eventually, you can phase them out of the pictures and encourage them to use words. 

We also use the First Then method often with the kiddos. If they have trouble understanding what's coming next, we say first we will paint (put a paint picture in the first slot), then we will do puzzles (put puzzles in the slot). 

I am learning so much about autism. I love knowing the God doesn't ever make a mistake, but that children with autism have a purpose and plan. God is using them for HIS glory. We can see who God is through them and how creative God is. 

I also got to go camping and boating and fishing over the Fourth of July! 

Having a boat in Alaska has come to open up some many more places to camp. We can get out on the ocean and explore more remote areas unaccessible to us previously. We are making some repairs on our little Zodiac currently, but we love having a boat. Now Tony wants to build his own boat!

We caught some rockfish and halibut. 

I am loving time at home this summer and am appreciating all the introverts of the world. Lots of reading, writing, and resting this summer. I decided to start writing a book, something I have wanted to do for years. I am loving exploring the themes and just writing in a new way. And I am learning that sometimes when you want to do something, you just need to start. Don't talk about what you want to do in life, actually do it. Start doing a little at a time. 

Lot of dog walks this summer and enjoying the beautiful Alaskan sunshine. 

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