Thursday, January 19, 2012

Sing to Him, Sing Praises to Him!

“Oh, give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples! Sing to him, sing praises to him; tell all of his wondrous works! Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice! Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!” Psalm 105: 1-3

The Lord is SO unbelievably good! I cannot sing enough praises to the Lord, my everlasting Father.

This week has been a WHIRLWIND! On Saturday, we moved into our first apartment! We have spent the week getting all moved in, set up, and organized, which I LOVE. Organizing is like therapy to me. I love the process of seeing an absolute mess turn into something beautiful, welcoming, and warm.

It has been such a time of joy and rejoicing in the Lord. It feels silly to be so excited about our tiny little apartment, but I can’t stop thanking the Lord for it. After housesitting for the last three months, I can say with confidence that I will never again take for granted having a place to call my own, a place to rest and relax and make yummy food and snuggle with the love of my life. A place to take a deep breath and read a good book or watch a movie or simply be.

I have also just been overwhelmed by the endless outpouring of gifts and love by our friends and family. As we were moving in and setting up, I realized just how much of our little home is made up of gifts that others have given us. How lucky we are! The littlest acts of generosity can make a HUGE difference. Every time I use a kitchen utencil or look around at our bathroom, I praise God for deep friendship, the kind that meets needs of the heart and of the home. Right down to the rags we wipe our counters with or the hangers we used giftcards to buy, our home reminds me of the strength of kindness and how far it reaches. We would not be able to be where we are without our sweet friends and family.

And if the week couldn’t get better, I found out a got a job on Tuesday! I will be working for the state of Alaska at the Office of Children’s Services. My job title is: Children’s Service Specialist and I will be doing work very similar to that of a social worker, working with children and families. I am SO thankful and the Lord’s timing is so incredibly perfect. The Lord works in such unexpected ways. Aside from teaching, advocating for kids is one of my greatest passions. I know that the work I do could end up being very emotionally draining and dark, but I am also so hopeful about the ministry opportunity that my new job will bring. I want to bring light to the people of Alaska. That is why Tony and I came up here, and now here the Lord is providing me the perfect avenue to make His great name known, to children and families who are lost, hurting and in need. Praise the Lord for his plans and not mine!
I never want to forget one thing: that wherever I am, the Lord is my home. Tony is my home. The roof around my head does not matter. That is a lesson I have learned these last few months. No matter where I am, I aim to find my contentment, my joy, my soul’s desire, my fulfillment, craving, longing, and yearning in Jesus Christ alone.

Lord, praise you for your designing of a perfect plan! May I shout your praise every day, not just in times of blissful joy!

“Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the earth and the world, everlasting to everlasting you are God.” Psalm 90: 1-2
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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Legitimate Sons and Daughters

Tony and I are going to a church called Cornerstone here in Anchorage. We absolutely love it and are so excited to get to walk in community with a new church body. The Pastor at Cornerstone gave a sermon on Sunday that powerfully changed my outlook on the Lord, my life, and daily sanctification.

As the church is studying Romans, they are focusing on what it looks like when believers are in union with Christ. As believers, we live in a paradox. We can live in POWER over our sin, but at the same time, we live in a world where the enemy can tempt us. There is a constant battle taking place between our spirit that longs to walk in oneness with the Lord and in obedience, and our flesh which is tempted by sin.

The most striking part of the sermon for me was in the idea of discipline. Most often, when we go through a deeply painful or unbelievably difficult or trying circumstance, we want to scream,“Why God? Don't you love me? Don't you see my need? Why are you putting me through this?”

God answers this question in Hebrews. This verse completely rocked me to the core:

“It is for discipline that you have to endure. God is treating you as SONS. For what son is there whom his father does not discipline? If you are left without discipline, in which all have participated, then you are ILLEGITIMATE children and NOT SONS.”
Hebrews 12: 7-8

There is that lonely feeling in times of need. We need our Father, our Lord, where is He? This verse puts into perspective that question. The mere fact that we are going through a difficult circumstance PROVES that we are HIS sons and daughters, His most loved ones. In fact, as Hebrews says, if you are not going through trials, you are illegitimate children and NOT SONS.

In times of adversity, we start to think we don't know the Lord, that He has left us. But the very opposite is true. The fact that you are struggling is proof positive that God is working in your life. It is so easy to let the problem in our life get bigger and bigger to the point where we cannot see truth. We have to continually remind ourselves to take our eyes off of the problem and back to the Word.

I love what it says if you continuing reading Hebrews:

“Besides this, we have had earthly fathers who disciplined us and we respected them. Shall we not much more be subject to the Father of spirits and live? For they disciplined us for a short time as it seemed best to them, but he disciplines us for OUR GOOD, that we may SHARE HIS HOLINESS. For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been TRAINED by it.”
Hebrews 12: 9-11

God offers us life, and life abundantly. Beautiful, free, grace-filled, rich, eternal life. The Father we serve is the Creator of the Universe and everything in it- our lives, our bodies, our spirits, everything we can see and imagine and everything we can't comprehend. As this verse puts it, He is the Father of the SPIRITS. He is in charge of an entire dimension of the world that we can't see- the world of the spirits. So when we are going through something, we can TRUST Him.

This is the most amazing part that we always forget- it is for OUR GOOD, that we may SHARE IN HOLINESS. We serve a God who wants us to SHARE in His holiness! While trials are painful, they produce righteousness. God is using the hard things in our lives to mold us and shape us to look more holy, to look more like Christ! 

We will always be tempted by sin and as long as we are living in this world, the enemy will whisper lies to us. Sanctification is the process by which we are becoming more and more holy every day. In the most painfully bitter times, We can put our HOPE in the Father of the spirits, who commands our life with a purpose for our GOOD. 

All Praise Be to You, Father, for the trials in our lives. Help me to remember it is for YOUR glory and my GOOD!
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Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Great Road North

So we moved to Alaska! Crazy, amazing, beautiful Alaska. From Texas. 2,598 miles. Are we crazy? I don’t think so. Then, why, you ask? Let me tell you the story! Because it is a story worth telling. One that is still being written by the Lord and one that I’m excited to see unfold every day.

Rewind to last summer, the summer of 2011. Tony and I were both working at Pine Cove. During this summer, Tony was a Straw Boss and I was a Mama Ruth. Basically, Tony and I were leaders of a very intentional discipleship program for guys and girls who just graduated from high school. The second part of the summer, I was a Senior Counselor for Camp In the City, Pine Cove’s first summer to develop a program with the Boy’s and Girl’s Club as an outreach day camp for inner city youth.

We had already set the date of our wedding for October 29, 2011. A lot was riding on both of us (or even just one of us) finding a job so that we could begin planning where we were going to live and start thinking about the future. We both took jobs at camp through the Lord’s leading. Even though we could have been using that summer to find jobs, we felt the Lord wanted us at Pine Cove that summer. I am SO glad I made that decision and wouldn’t trade it for anything. I will never forget the time I spent with six high school girls, walking with them through hard work of the heart, really digging deep and healing wounds with the Lord and walking together in community, forgiveness, and learning what it means to be a child of God. While teaching and leading these girls, the Lord was teaching me that I offer him nothing, that I don’t need to, and yet I am accepted, known, and extravagantly loved by Him.

At the end of the summer, I was working at Camp in the City and Tony was still working as a Strawboss. We had both been going on job interviews throughout the summer, praying together about our future and having to pry our hands off of the control of our life and give it to the Lord. As the summer went on, we struggled with finding jobs and Tony began to look for jobs in Alaska, where his parents lived. We had talked about Alaska when we first got engaged, but hadn’t really seriously considered it as an option until now. There was a job open in the Department of Homeland Security with the state, and Tony and I began to discuss his pursuing this job further.

Through tears and tears and praying and talking, we decided to pursue it as an option but to continue looking in Texas. In a crazy turn of events, I got an interview with the Frisco School District for an 8th grade English and coaching position. Two days later, on the last day of camp, I got offered the job in Texas.

So here we are. I got offered a job- something we had been hoping for! And yet, there was something missing. Something didn’t feel right. Why is it that when we get something we want there is sometimes a little disappointment that goes along with it? I am realizing, through endless patience and ceaseless love on the Lord’s part, that it is ONLY the Lord that I need and nothing else. Not a job, not a husband, not the answers, not the plan for my future. ONLY the Lord can fulfill me. And so it was with this job. You get something you want, and you realize… this is so unfulfilling, this is not what I need, even though it seemed like the MOST important thing in the world. 

That weekend we had a decision to make: take the job in Texas or pursue the possibility of a job in Alaska?

Answer: We decided the Lord wanted us in Alaska. I could tell you that we went adventure- crazy, that some sort of insane-in-the-membrane disease affected us and we went off the rocker. I could tell you that I regret my decision every day, that I can’t believe how far Tony would take me from my family, my home for the last 23 years, and everything comfortable I’ve ever known.

But that wouldn’t be true. And it should never be about being comfortable. In reality, it was the easiest decision I ever made. I felt such a peace about it and I knew it was what I was supposed to do. I wanted to obey the Lord in his leading of my heart. I wanted to follow my husband. I wanted to do ministry in a place that is in dire need of Christian leaders.

I LOVE being in Alaska. It has grown me and stretched me and challenged me, but it has put me in a beautiful place of trusting the Lord. I’m not going to lie: I miss my Mom and my sister and my friends so much. Building a new community is hard. But the Lord is overflowing in his love for me and how he shows me that every day. Tony and I have grown together in the adventure of Alaska, and in trusting the Lord with our lives and future.

We came to Alaska thinking we came here to minister to other people, but in turn the people here in Alaska have ministered to us. We have had an overwhelming outpouring of support and love and friendship. And even though I am still looking for a job and we are still looking for a place to live, there is so much hope. Eternal hope. We have salvation, we know the Lord! And because of that, every day is a celebration of our great Savior and undeserved grace.

3 things I’m learning:

1)    Adversity is needed. It is rich, refreshing, renewing, and a sweet reminder. In the difficulties that came through our move, I have begun to see the Lord in a new way. I needed Him, I am desperate for Him. I always forget how much I need the Lord until I am forced to gulp in His love, am recklessly longing for it. That can only come in a time of testing and growth.

2)    Discontentment is a feeding fire that grows more discontentment. We all struggle with the phrase, “What if?”, or “If Only?”, or “I wish”. Those phrases lead to sinful thinking. It would be easy for me to go back and say if only I didn’t work at camp, or if only I said yes to the job, or if only we had a place to live. But the truth is God has ORDAINED my life to be so. And my thinking back and wishing for more is a slap in the face to the Lord who is designing my perfect plan.

As Jim Elliot puts it: “What is actual, is actual. What might have been is simply not. Therefore I must not question as though God had robbed me of things that are not. But the things that are, are good, God-given, and enriched. And I must not let the longing of those things (that are not) spoil the appetite of my living.”

3)    God loves us so much more than we could ever know. As my husband Tony puts it, “ If I were truly to be honest, one of the greatest obstacles to my acting in Faith is the belief that God loves me more than I do.”

His plan for me is always right. God is not a God of mistakes. I was meant to go to Alaska. That plan was in place even before I made that decision. I can walk in the faith that God endlessly loves me, that He will take care of me and my family, and that he will more than meet my needs. I pray my life is for God’s glory and not my own.

                                                                Psalm 16

"Preserve me, O God, for in you I take refuge. 
I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord; I have no good apart from you.”

As for the saints in the land, they are the excellent ones,
in whom is all my delight.

The sorrows of those who run after another god shall multiply;
their drink offerings of blood I will not pour out
or take their names on my lips.

The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup;
you hold my lot.

The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.

I bless the Lord who gives me counsel;
in the night also my heart instructs me.

I have set the Lord always before me;
because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.

Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices;
my flesh also dwells secure.

For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol,
or let your holy one see corruption.

You make known to me the path of life;
in your presence there is fullness of joy; 
at your right hand are pleasures forevermore."
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Love, Sweet Love

I can’t tell my story without starting with the story of the love of my life, Tony Luiken. Tony and I met at Texas A&M, where we both went to college. The first time we met was at a Whataburger, which makes sense because we both love food so much! Tony says he knew when he first met me that I was to be his wife, but for me it didn’t sink in until much later. Fast forward to the spring of 2010, and Tony got up the nerve to call me up to ask me on a date to his Ross Volunteer Ball. I said yes, having heard someone might ask me from my friend Lindsay Thornton. Lindsay and I both needed dates to our Chi Omega Formal, so we asked Tony and his friend Nick. What a crazy, fun time of GETTING TO KNOW EACH OTHER that week was!

What followed was more time together: lunch at Jason’s Deli, bowling, dancing and dinners, a trip with friends floating the Nacogdoches River.
I was starting to see the humble man of God that Tony was and while I was trying to guard my heart, there was a part of me that knew I was beginning to fall for him.

The next thing we knew, we were both working at Pine Cove, a Christian camp that Tony and I had both worked at throughout college. Only when we had started really talking did we realize we both would be working the same summer. Tony was working as a boat driver at the Timbers, the 8th and 9th grade camp, and I was working as a Townrunner and Assistant Work Crew Director at the Ranch, the 6th and 7th grade camp. Community, fellowship, and friendship abound at Pine Cove, and I was ready for it.

Throughout the summer, Tony and I wrote notes through intercamp mail. Tony also utilized our free weekends to ask me on our FIRST DATE and to make it clear that he wanted to pursue me. I loved our dates and getting to know Tony more. We had so much fun! Tony took me to a breakfast diner (that he thought was a nice Italian place, oops!), took me on a boat ride, bought me frozen yogurt (the direct key to my heart), and sent me a funnoodle on my birthday with 22 reasons why he was glad I was born that day!

It was an incredible summer, and every year I learn so much from the Lord. The summer of 2010, I remember, the Lord laid on my heart the word TRUTH. It was a powerful summer of re- remembering how to talk to the Lord, pray, and seek his word and be hungry for it. Throughout that healing process of coming back to the Lord, I was realizing how much I liked Tony. We hadn’t started dating yet, because I had told him I wasn’t yet ready, but I knew Tony’s intentions.

After the summer, I went back to A&M. Tony had just found out that he was accepted into a program called the Forge. The Forge is a year long discipleship program through Pine Cove that seeks to develop Christian leaders in family, ministry, and daily life. Tony came back to College Station to hang out with some buddies before heading back to the Forge to start the program. It was during this time, on August 29, 2010, that Tony and I officially started DATING. Although I had been interested in other guys, Tony was my first boyfriend ever, so it was a big commitment for me, and I was so excited to start this new chapter of life with the Lord and with Tony.

The fall of 2010 was a season of growing in affection and the Lord growing our hearts together. Tony and I made trips back and forth to see each other in College Station and Tyler. I loved hearing what Tony was learning through the Forge, and Tony was loving being a part of my life in College Station. Tony lead our relationship so well, and pursued me with all that he had. There were so many things about him that I loved- he was a good listener, kind, honest, and a servant of God. I love being the center of attention and being social and friendly and outgoing. Tony loves people in a tender and different way- he is quiet, observant, and truly wants to know the real you. This is why Tony and I fit together so well and what intrigued me so much about him. He was different than any guy I'd ever known.

On Tony’s birthday weekend, December 11, 2010, I surprised him in Tyler! This was the weekend that we first talked about
LOVE. We both knew love was not based on feelings, but on truth and deed and how you serve someone through action. Though we didn’t say it yet, we both knew that was how we felt about each other. Before Tony left for Alaska to be with his family for Christmas break, we said I love you and meant it.

We were ENGAGED two months later, on February 12, 2011. Tony planned the entire day at Pine Cove, taking me to special places where we had first gotten to know each other. We ended at the Timbers dock at sunset, with my favorite flower, daisies all around and candles. Tony asked me to be his wife and I said YES! I was completely surprised because, while I knew I loved Tony, I was thinking we wouldn’t get engaged until next fall or even later. But I was so excited and ready to be married to the man I loved more than anything, and to walk with him through life as his helper, servant, lover, and best friend.

We got MARRIED on October 29, 2011. I am so lucky to call Tony my husband, and to know that the Lord has written and designed this story before time. We have the opportunity every day to share his gospel together in covenant marriage. We still can't believe the amazing work He has done in saving us and bringing us together for His name's sake. Marriage is such a beautiful picture of Jesus and his bride, the church. Every day, we get to see the ugly, nasty, sinful parts of each other and we get to forgive each other and love each other in truth. True love is about sacrifice, the total surrender of all we have or desire for the sake of the other. I only know love through Jesus Christ, and it is through His love that I am able to love Tony fully.

“In this is love, not that we have loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God abides in us and his LOVE is perfected in us.” 1 John 4:10-12

 "Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing but rejoices with the TRUTH. Love bears all things, believes all things, HOPES all things, endures all things."

1 Corinthians 13: 4-7

To read more about our story, go to:

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